Volunteer With Us!

Help us put on one of the top St. Patrick's Day Parades in the Country!

The 51st annual KC St. Patrick’s Day Parade will take place on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 12:00 PM. We’re looking for volunteers, whether individually or in groups, to assist with the upcoming parade. Please read the information below to find out how you can get involved.

If you are interested in volunteering, let us know by completing the online sign-up form below. Or, if you have questions not answered on this page, please contact our volunteer recruitment director by email at website@kcirishparade.com.

Basic Duties of Parade Route Volunteers:

  • Assist with parade entry lineup/staging or disbursement or other logistics

  • Answer questions from entries or spectators. (Don’t worry, we’ll help you with answers to commonly asked questions.)

  • Be firm, but friendly. You’ll help keep the parade route clear of obstacles. For the safety of everyone, parade route volunteers will help maintain the curb line, preventing spectators from moving into the street.

  • Be available from check-in at 7:00 am, until approximately 2:00 pm (After some minor activities to return the streets to normal auto traffic, the volunteers post-parade lunch will begin at the parade Headquarters.)

  • Be pleasant and helpful.

  • Be willing to have fun. Most people who attend our parade are well-behaved. So, your job is often not very difficult, meaning you’ll have more fun.

Volunteer Sign Up

After submitting your information, one of our volunteer coordinators will be in touch to discuss the different volunteer opportunities that exist on parade day, and you'll be added to our Parade Committee email distribution list where you'll receive information about upcoming committee events and other activities taking place throughout the year.

Volunteer FAQs

Q: How will I get my parade day assignment?

A: All parade volunteers will need to attend our Mandatory Meeting on March 12, 2025, 5:30 PM at the Kansas City Irish Center. Each volunteer will meet with their division head and will receive arrival instructions and details about your shift on parade day. You will also receive your volunteer t-shirt at this meeting.

Q: How long will I be needed on parade day?

A: We ask that all parade volunteers check in at 7:00 am in the staging area at Linwood & Broadway. You will be assigned to a street location and then transported by shuttle to your designated location along the parade route. The parade begins at 12:00 pm. After the parade conclusion passes your volunteer area, you’ll be needed for some minor cleanup to return the street to regular traffic. Your area’s division head will coordinate this effort and then release you to return to the Headquarters, where the volunteers post-parade luncheon will be held. Your volunteer commitment will end about 3:00 pm.

Q: Will food or beverage provided to the parade volunteers?

A: We suggest that you have breakfast on your own, prior to your arrival on the route. Throughout the day, hot and cold beverages, can be delivered, by cart, to volunteers on the parade route.

Q: Name three things I’ll wish I’d brought with me to volunteer on parade day.

A: Primarily, comfortable shoes! For other apparel, this depends on the weather. For a cold day, you’ll want to bring a warm hat, warm gloves, and warm shoes. For a sunny day, you’ll want to bring sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat for shade. Remember – the parade goes on rain, shine, or snow.

Q: Is there a dress code?

A: No, but dress for the weather. You will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt that you are welcome to wear, but is not required.